Recently, Ira Khan, daughter of Aamir Khan got engaged to her boyfriend Nupur Shikahre and Aamir Khan was criticised for this move. He was called a traitor as his daughter got engaged to a Hindu. Nobody realized that Khan himself had two Hindu wives.
Muslims have always had a no-tolerance policy when their daughters get married to Hindus. However, when their boys do that they will never object. Recently, a Hindu girl was killed by her Mulsim boyfriend and chopped into pieces; not a single Muslim objected.
This is a high-end partiality from Muslims. If you do not want your girls to get married to a Hindu then you should not allow your boys to marry a Hindu. This is something which cannot and should not be tolerated.
However, blaming the Government entirely for this is also not correct. Still, I believe that the government should make some norms for Muslims to stop exploiting Hindus for their personal and religious benefits.
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